Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Expedition to the Doomdreamer Mountains

Stasi recruits a party to explore the Doomdreamer Mountains between the Temple of Elemental Evil, Markul, and the old Realm of the Gorgon King.  The party's vanguard is composed of Slingblade the halfling thief from the Five Rivers, Warden Greenbrow the high elf apprentice to the late Xanroar Carter, and Dol Arrah a cleric from the order of Light in Numoth.

The party determines they will scale the mountains near the old hold that is manned by humanoids.  They choose the eastern cliff path and find a concealed tunnel leading into the mountain.  The tunnel leads to a laboratory where they find several snake-like creatures that have been magically created and spit venom.  They also find a mutated red goblin and several cells full of zombies.  They destroy all of the creatures and take the magical tomes and other curious items they uncover in the lab.  They leave an ice elemental bound in a magic circle alone after learning that it was summoned by Darkane.

In the next chamber they fight off a Doomdreamer Priest leading a werewolf pack.  During the battle the cleric falls but he is revived after the party defeats the monsters.  They haul the cleric back out of the tunnel to report back to Stasi.

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